Senin, 02 Januari 2023

Peace & Happiness

In this present century, man has discarded God, truth, peacefulness, conscience, honesty, justice, and compassion. 

Man has changed so much! Instead of searching to discover the three thousand gracious qualities of God, he has lost all those and opened the way to destruction.

He seeks to ruin the lives of others and to destroy the entire world. 

But the world will not be destroyed; the earth and the heavens will never be destroyed. Only man will be destroyed. Man, with all the various means of destruction, will in the end destroy only himself.

He is like a certain type of moth that is attracted to the glow of a flame, thinking it is food. 

These moths circle around and around the flame, until finally they fly right into it and die. In the same way, man plummets into evil actions, thinking they will benefit him.

He sees evil as good, but the end result is destruction.

He no longer understands what a true human being really is. If man could rediscover who he truly is and then change his present self, he would know peace. 


by Ismail Fahmi.

#selfReminder #mawasDiri

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