Rabu, 28 April 2010

Multiple Streams of Income The Key to Online Success

The main purpose of this report is to explain to you that Multiple Streams of Income really are the Key to Online Success. I will also explain just what you need to do, in order to get your own ‘multiple streams’ flowing in.

I’m sure you have heard the term ‘never store all your eggs in one basket’ before.

Well if you operate online this term rings so true. There have been various ‘slaps’ and rule changes over the years that have ran various online businesses into the ground overnight. Take the Google ‘slap’ that resulted in advertisers’ revenue costing 100 times more overnight. Or the eBay digital delivery ban that put 1000’s of info product sellers out of business in a matter of days. While it’s easy to become complacent when the big bucks are rolling in unless you are
generating multiple streams of income you are destined to fail from the beginning.

So let me warn you right now. Unless you offer many different products, websites and services one day you may wake up to a business that has gone bust. Remember that online things move so fast and what was the latest craze one week could be out of fashion a week later.

So the key to generating sustainable wealth on the Internet is to create as many different websites as possible offering a whole range of products and services.

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This is something I have been doing myself since 1999, in fact here’s a screenshot of just one of my hosting accounts, look at how many websites I own:
As you can see I own over 160 websites, and this is with just one hosting company. I also own other websites via other online hosting companies.

Some of these websites make hundreds of dollars per week while some make only a few cents a day. However, every single one of my websites makes me money and if half of my websites suddenly stopped making me money tomorrow my business would still survive. But of course I don’t just sit back and watch the money roll in, I keep creating new websites and I keep building my business.

Start your multiple streams of income right now here:

However, it wasn’t always like this. In the beginning most of my websites took a long time to set up plus there was a huge learning curve while building my first website, and when I
look back it was terrible and ultimately failed to generate any kind of income because of this. This was because I was new to this game and although I thought I’d created a half
decent looking website it was hideous.

Then I met Dave Nicholson and things quickly changed,nothing seemed too technical for Dave and he helped me build my very first website. This was way back in 1999 and since then Dave has always been there when I needed help.

Fast forward 10 years and the result is we both have built a ton of successful websites and we now live the life we never thought possible.

So why am I telling you all of this? Well before I tell you, let me ask you another question first.
If you built a site that only earned you $1 a day would you consider it to be a successful site?
Now I know most people will say no, and if you did your mindset is all wrong. You see if you could build a site that earned you $1 per day all you would need to do is repeat the process till you had thousands of sites online all making $1 a day.

Remember when I said earlier some of my websites only make a few cents a day? Well combine all of my sites that make a few cents here and there and you have a full timeincome. And this is what so many people fail to grasp. They spend months working on a single site that ultimately
doesn’t look very nice and when it fails they give up. When what they really should have been doing was concentrating

Start your multiple streams of income right now here:

on building as many sites as possible until they found a formula what worked, then simply duplicated that formula.
But of course finding the correct formula is also hard, do you build a site that relies on Google AdSense, eBay, ClickBank, Amazon or something completely different? Well the truth is you build a ton of sites that use all of the above in different areas. Some of my websites generate an AdSense income while some generate an income from eBay and some simply from promoting ClickBank products. It all depends on the site I build and the niche I choose, but every single one of them in one way or another generates an income and most of this income is generated on 100% autopilot.

So come on then John, why are you telling me this? Well before I do let me ask you one final question.

Imagine if you could build a site in under an hour that could go on to generate you an income for years to come? If you could do this how many of these websites would you build, 10, 100, 1000, 10,000? Well that would be entirely up to you but imagine if you just built one website per day for a year and each website generated just $1 per day. This would mean your websites are earning you $365 per day, and of course you wouldn’t stop there, you would keep building more and more websites and earning more and more money.

It’s all very well you telling me this John but I haven’t got a clue how to build a successful website.
Allow me to enlighten you (at last I hear you say) Both Dave and I know how hard it is to build a successful website, we know most people don’t have a clue about SEO, HTML, FTP, databases, creating opt-in forms, promoting.

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affiliate products, generating RSS Feeds and a whole lot more.
This is why we have put our 10 years experience into building a product that can help anyone (yes anyone) build a successful website that can incorporate all of the above, this product is Called ‘Multi Profit Websites’.

We don’t care if you have no websites online and know nothing about building a website, as we will show you how.
In fact you really can build a 100% unique site in under an hour that will generate an income for years to come.
Let me show you how it works:
1. First of all you upload your website.
2. Then you add your settings to make your site personal. Do you want to add an opt-in form; some eBay related content or promote some ClickBank products using keywords you
have chosen? No problem, just tick a few boxes and fill in a few fields and you’re done. You can even change the look of your site from the many themes we supply, just choose which one you like best, or if you wish add your own personalized theme.

That’s it, you’re done! You now have a website online that has the potential to earn you an income for life. Now simple wash, rinse, repeat.

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Hold on John, I have seen sites like this before, they all look the same.
Let me assure you that you haven’t seen anything like Multi Profit Websites before. There has never been a website creator that was so easy to manage that could produce a 100% original site. In fact why not check out the examples below that shows you how versatile Multi Profit Websites is:

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You have to admit those sites look pretty great, but what about duplicate content, do all these sites have the same content?

If you check the example sites closely you will see the content is different on each site. In fact this is where Multi Profit Websites shines, as it allows you to add as much of your own content as you wish. In fact we encourage you to add your own content, as Google loves original fresh content.

So as you can see there has never been anything quite like Multi Profit Websites.
And it makes no difference what line of business you are already in. Multi Profit Websites can be used in many, many ways. Imagine if you are in a fashion/clothes industry, Multi Profit Websites can be perfect for you as you can manage your own website add your latest images, payment
processor buttons, and build your whole website the way you want it. You can build your website around your

Start your multiple streams of income right now here:

business with ease, all by simply clicking a few buttons and adding your content.
Maybe you are in the car trade and you sell cars from an offline location. How would you like to add these cars to your own website and show all the cars you have for sale? You could include links to related products on eBay or perhaps car care books on Amazon. It’s your site so you

Perhaps you’re an expert at making money from eBay, how would you like to display your auctions live from your website and also promote eBay related information products and books via ClickBank and Amazon? No problem, with Multi Profit Websites nothing is impossible.
Not only can you make your websites a success and earn advertising revenue, at the same time you save money on website development and management fee’s from website development companies, who usually charge thousands of dollars for updating and managing your websites for you. So if you are just starting out with your first business website online you’re in a perfect position to manage your own site easily, save money and learn how to build as many websites
as you wish.

Multi Profit Websites is not always about making money, what if you simply want a website to show your kids, or you want a site for your kids to use and update, no problem!
Multi Profit Websites has it all for you to use and enjoy with simplicity and user friendliness. I also bet you will make some money on the side from the advertising too.

Whether you are in business for yourself, working on a school project, sending pictures of your family life or simply having fun mastering a new hobby on the Internet.

Multi Start your multiple streams of income right now here:

Profit Websites helps you create and manage your very own profit pulling website at a very low cost. Multi Profit Websites provides all the tools you need to succeed no matter what you wish to achieve. And it doesn’t stop there…

It’s All About List Building.
I’m sure you have heard many online marketers say ‘the money is in the list’.
I really can’t stress how true that is. Having a mailing list means you can create money on demand and every day you put this off is another day of lost opportunity. However, I know that for a lot of people creating a mailing list seems like an impossible task. Well with Multi Profit Websites it’s a breeze.

All you need to do is fill in 2 fields and you instantly have an opt-in form on your website. Then you can begin building a list from every single site you create just like I have:

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As you can see from the image above I have many different lists created from many different websites. Some lists have a few hundred subscribers and some have many thousands, but they all generate me subscribers on autopilot.

With Multi Profit Websites we will teach you how you can build a subscriber list from every single one of your websites, we will also show you how to maximize your profits from the lists you create.

Imagine having hundreds of sites all generating you just a few subscribers a day. What could that do for your online business?

I think I we have said all that can be said about Multi Profit Websites without showing you more. So please visit www.multiprofitwebsites.com where we will give you a comprehensive tour, show you some live example sites and show you exactly how everything works.
Here’s to your success with Multi Profit Websites.
John Thornhill & Dave Nicholson.

Start your multiple streams of income right now here:

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