Sabtu, 29 Agustus 2009

President to unveil state budget on Aug. 3

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono will unveil the draft 2010 state budget in a plenary session of the House of Representatives on Aug. 3.

State Secretary Hatta Radjasa said Tuesday that unlike in previous years, the presidential speech on the state budget would be delivered separately from the state of the nation address.

“Only for this year, given the transition period as the House will end its term on Oct. 1, the presidential speeches will be delivered separately. The state of union address will be on Aug. 14 and the state budget speech on Aug. 3,” Hatta said.

The two events used to be combined into one event that took place prior to the commemoration of the country’s independence day.

Hatta said the president would unveil priorities of the government’s development programs and allocation of state budget for 2010 fiscal year.

"You know the government has set five priority programs, namely enhancement of economic growth and people’s welfare, establishment of a clean and authorized government, strengthening democracy and human rights promotion, law enforcement and corruption eradication, and development for all," he said.

Source: Erwida Maulia , The Jakarta Post , Jakarta | Tue, 07/28/2009 4:22 PM | Business

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